CRM benefits for salespeople

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is the basic sales tool. Exceed your objectives with simple CRM applications.

CRM (customer relationship management), also known as Gestionnaire de Relation Client (GRC), is the basic sales tool.

Let’s take a look at the different applications:

  • Build up a customer file and classify them by interest:
    • Based on sales
    • Depending on their development potential. A customer’s potential is represented by the difference between the sales made with him and those that could be made without competition.
    • According to category A, B, C, D
    • By product category
    • By sales seasonality
  • Create a file of prospects to compensate for the loss of important customers – and there are always some. Prospecting is the foundation of business development.
  • The most important thing is to immediately visualize all the proposals in progress, because that’s where you’ve put your energy, and that can pay off in the short term.
  • Personalize customer relations by taking notes at each contact
  • Have another salesperson replace you, who can follow up on the notes taken.
  • Work as a team with several people in the organization, coordinating their efforts to deliver a better customer experience.
  • Carry out follow-ups at the right time, i.e. at the time requested by the customer, or at the time you consider ideal for them. This is ideal for seasonal sales or consumable products, such as beauty products that we know the customer will need after a few months.
  • Call customers directly from your computer with IP telephony
  • Make statistics to find out:
    • Positive or negative sales growth
    • Calculer les ventes à venir en fonction de ce qui est dans le pipeline. Il existe pour cela une équation appelée DPM :
      • Probable date of sale
      • Probability of obtaining it
      • Amount to be sold
    • Evaluate whether the means put in place to achieve its objectives:
      • Number of contacts
      • Closing rate
      • Average sales
  • Comparison with other vendors to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Access to matrices for faster proposal and invoice preparation
  • History of proposals already completed
  • Button pages for quick access to all your key documents
  • Marketing page for posting promotional articles on several social networks. The main ones are Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and why not TikTok or Telegram too.

There may be other applications, but with these, he’s already got enough to exceed his targets!

Jean-Pierre Mercier
