CRM for sales management

CRM for small and medium-sized businesses

Our CRM for teams to develop your sales:

  • Drag and drop option
  • Personal CRM tab for managers to manage their own customers
  • Sales management tab
    • Access to each salesperson’s CRM
    • Access to a compilation of all the team’s customers by category: customers, prospects, proposals in progress
  • Team statistics tab
    • RDV
      • Number of team meetings
      • History of appointments within the team
      • History of appointments by salesperson in the team on the same table
    • Proposals
      • Number of proposals in progress within the team
      • Team proposal history
      • History of proposals by vendor on the same table
    • Pipeline selon le système DPM (Date, Probabilité, Montant):
      • Proposal date,
      • Probability of obtaining
      • Proposal amount
    • Sales
      • Monthly totals
      • Team sales history
      • Sales history by seller on the same table
    • Customer service: number of customers served and satisfied
    • Average team closing rate
    • Average team sales
  • Statistics by vendor tab
    • Sales per month
    • Number of appointments in progress
    • number of proposals in progress
    • Pipe: Date, Probability, Amount
    • Closing rate per salesperson: number of sales divided by number of proposals
    • Average sales per vendor
  • Sales optimization tab for each salesperson with global and comparative tables
    • Number of contacts
    • Closing rate
    • Average sales
  • Marketing campaign calendar tab
    • Advertising
    • Social networking
    • Electronic mail

Would you like to choose the best CRM– simple, effective and personalized for your sales team? Contact us!
