The different uses of a CRM

An effective CRM can be used for many things in an organization. Increase sales This is the initial vocation of a good CRM, to help with prospecting, follow-up of current customers and management of the customer file. A good system allows to call more customers, to be more adapted to the customer and therefore to…

An effective CRM can be used for many things in an organization.

Increase sales

This is the initial vocation of a good CRM, to help with prospecting, follow-up of current customers and management of the customer file. A good system allows to call more customers, to be more adapted to the customer and therefore to increase the efficiency of the representative.

Time management

It is the vocation of a good CRM to help salespeople, representatives and customer service agents optimize their efficient time. They can thus:

– Prioritize their time with their most important customers, the 20% that bring in 80% of sales

– Important prospects who will make up for the inevitable loss of customers

– Sort out the less important customers and prospects according to the priorities that have been given

– Delete unimportant customers and prospects so as not to waste time with them, so much the better for the competitors to do it!

Once the priorities have been set, the salespeople can then devote themselves to administrative tasks. These administrative tasks are reduced to a strict minimum since the philosophy of a good CRM is to take notes during the contact with the customer in order to minimize the subsequent tasks. This is especially true on the phone, it is not always the case face to face, because the priority remains the customer, but the notes are then taken immediately afterwards, in the car if it is a representative. This of course requires a tablet or a connected laptop.

Customer experience

By personalizing the customer relationship a good CRM allows agents to provide more personalized service and keep a complete history of contacts.

Automate the sales and marketing process

Standardizing the way things are done and automatic actions allow to do better and faster, to treat more customers faster.


A good customer relationship manager improves your marketing by allowing you to carry out targeted advertising campaigns using several means:

– Personalized and targeted email blasts.

– Publication on social networks displayed in the sales promotion part of the system

– Observation of the results that are visible in terms of sales


A CRM helps to efficient logistics, with an access to the system, the logistics department can obtain information on orders, but also on past difficulties with certain customers: if there were delivery difficulties, how this was resolved. The customer relationship system is not a statistical tool here, but rather a personalized approach per customer.


Production is not directly concerned by CRM, but can nevertheless use it to understand the needs and problems of customers and thus adapt the offer to the market.

Communicate as a team

A CRM helps communicate amd allows several people to work together on the same customer and therefore to communicate better, to coordinate their efforts. Customer service will not be linked to the presence or absence of one person, it will rely on a whole team.

Performance management

A CRM increases the performance, the numbers provided by the system allow to improve the performance, the key figures (KPIs) to measure are:

– Number of calls per salesperson per day

– Number of customer meetings per salesperson per week

– Appointment closing rate per salesperson per month

– Sales closing rate per salesperson per month

– Sales per salesperson per week and per month

– Overall sales per day, per week, per month

– Year to date against objectives

– Coaching

The numbers, but also the quality of the salespeople’s note-taking allows for observation and fact-based coaching, while providing the coach with historical data.
