SOS sales method

The SOS sales method is based on discovering the customer’s situation and problems, then understanding their dreams, before proposing a solution that will enable them to achieve them. Of all sales methods, SOS is the simplest, most intuitive and most effective. The SOS sales method Situation In this phase, salespeople try to find out more…

The SOS sales method is based on discovering the customer’s situation and problems, then understanding their dreams, before proposing a solution that will enable them to achieve them.

Of all sales methods, SOS is the simplest, most intuitive and most effective.

The SOS sales method

  • Situation
  • Objective
  • Solution


In this phase, salespeople try to find out more about the customer in a neutral way, using open-ended questions, but won’t hesitate to go deeper into problems if the customer mentions them.

Unlike the SPIN method, which is highly structured, with SOS we naturally follow the customer’s train of thought, trying to be as neutral as possible in our questions so as not to arouse their mistrust.

  • Business customers
    • Tell me about your organization
    • Who does what? Structure?
    • Production system?
    • Distribution?
    • Sales system?
    • Which employees do you have? Experience?
    • Advantages and disadvantages of the solution you use? What does this mean for your bottom line?
  • Personal customer
    • Who uses the current solution?
    • What are you involved in? Your family’s?
    • What are the advantages and disadvantages?
    • What are the consequences?


Once we’ve fully understood the customer’s situation, problems and difficulties, we can then ask them what their ideal would be.

For a business customer, we use the word “objective”:

  • What is your strategic objective?
  • What is your financial target for this year?
  • What are your plans for the future?
  • What’s important to you?

For an individual, we prefer the word “ideal” or “dream”:

  • What would be your ideal?
  • What’s your dream?
  • What dream do you think is unattainable? I’d like to see how I can help you achieve it.

The objective can also represent the customer’s motivation, which you’ve discovered through the SONCAS sales method or the SEC technique.


Generally speaking, you should avoid asking customers for the solution they want, since they’re not sure you can offer them the technical features of the solution they require. It’s best to show them how your solution will help them achieve their objectives.

The exception is if you can offer a tailor-made solution that you adapt to each customer, which then becomes a strength.

Application example

Beauty products

  • Situation
    • Talk about your skin
    • What’s your skincare routine?
    • Do you work in an air-conditioned office?
    • Do you practice sports that expose your skin to the sun?
    • How does your skin feel at the end of the day?
  • Objective
    • What would be your dream for your skin?
    • If I had a magic wand, what would you want to look like?
    • What’s important to you?
  • Solution
    • Well, I suggest you achieve your dream with the treatment I’m going to give you, and we’ll do it togetherHere are the technical specifications of the products used
    • We’ll extend your treatment with creams to apply at home and follow-ups. We’ll make appointments right away.

In conclusion

The SOS technique is the best for most sales. It is also available in several versions:

  • The simple SOS method described here
  • The SOSAI technique used in competitive situations
  • The SOS global solution for inbound sales

The method is centered on the client, their difficulties and dreams, and you, the specialist, are the one who will help your client achieve them.

Jean-Pierre Mercier
