CRM is a customer management system, while ERP is a corporate resource management system. CRM CRM is all about satisfying customers and maximizing their income in an intelligent way, at the right time. These are its main functions.   ERP ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems are designed to integrate and optimize different business functions.…


CRM is a customer management system, while ERP is a corporate resource management system.


CRM is all about satisfying customers and maximizing their income in an intelligent way, at the right time. These are its main functions.

  • Prospect and customer files with optimal follow-up dates
  • Data centralization for teamwork
  • Team communication
  • Sales team management
  • Customer service for existing customers
  • Offer complementary products to existing customers at the right time
  • Automation of responses by virtual assistants
  • Prospecting for new customers
  • Marketing support tools
  • Sales force analysis tools
  • Customer analysis tools
  • CRM examples



ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems are designed to integrate and optimize different business functions.

  • Human resources: recruitment process, salary management, HR needs planning, succession management.
  • Financial: accounting management, cost accounting, financial resource planning
  • Production: optimization of production resources, planning of material resource requirements, planning of employee requirements, production optimization studies.
  • Inventory management
  • Logistics
  • Main ERP

To integrate CRM with ERP or not?

Some software suppliers integrate their CRM into the ERP system, the advantage being greater consistency and a single system for management.

The disadvantages are cost, integration complexity, deployment time, training requirements, the need for follow-up, and vendor rejection due to complexity.

In conclusion

Many large organizations prefer heavy, integrated systems, but these are companies that are not run by the original creators, but by bureaucratic managers who keep the company going rather than developing it. Entrepreneurs generally prefer simple, flexible systems that focus on business development.

In our view, CRM and ERP are two different beasts, with the simplicity and efficiency of a good CRM taking precedence over an integrated ERP system.

You have to earn money before you can manage it, at least for startups, small businesses and SMEs.

Jean-Pierre Mercier
